The Largest Raccoon in the World
Exactly do you know that the biggest raccoon on record in the world's weighed 75 pounds? Of course, that is far larger than a typical raccoon procyon lotor. But how large do raccoons grow?
Size range of raccoons Bandit was the holder of the Guinness biggest raccoon (Procyon lotor) on record weighed. Raccoon weighed 75 lbs before his death in 2004. He was around ten years old. On the other hand, Bandit was more of a pet than a wild raccoon.
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The Largest Raccoon in the World |
what is the biggest raccoon on record?
Guinness declared bandit the largest raccoon on record weighed in the world's
Biggest raccoon was born with a malfunctioning thyroid gland, which caused him to gain an abnormally large amount of weight, according to the woman who adopted him. He did, however, have access to cake and ice cream. Fortunately, the raccoons that may be causing problems in and around your property should be much smaller. So, how large are raccoons that don't eat sweets on a daily basis?
Former As It Happens host Mary Lou Finlay interviewed the Pennsylvania woman in 2000, when Guinness World Records named Bandit the world's largest raccoon.
One of the biggest raccoon ever recorded him a spot in the Guinness World Records when he weighed 52.5 lbs in 1999. Raccoon continued to gain weight, reaching 54.4 lbs in late 1999, 64.9 pounds in 2001, and finally surpassing 70 lbs.
"Now I can hold his head up proud," said his owner, Pepper Klitsch, who hopes to frame the Guinness Records certificate she received this month.
So, how chubby is Bandit?
Klitsch described him as "very obese." "You can't tell where his armpit stops and his arm begins when he sits."
The critter, which resembled a hairy beach ball with claws, waddled around Klitsch's little back yard last week, attempting to evade a camera.
Raccoon was declared the largest raccoon on record when he weighed 52.5 lbs, which is almost three times the weight of an usual male raccoon. biggest Bandit now weighs 54.4 pounds, and his doctor has warned him about potential cardiac problems and recommended a diet.
When members of the state Game Commission learned of the animal's new record, they were both amazed and horrified.
"If it weighs 54 lbs, it's definitely obese and basically sits there and eats," Tim Conway, information and education supervisor at the commission's Northeast Regional Office, said. "That's just a massive raccoon."
The largest raccoon he's ever seen, according to Bill Wasserman, a wildlife conservation officer and trapper with the commission, was 35 lbs and resembled a Sumo wrestler.
"It's not good for the animal to be so fat," Wasserman added. "Look at the world's largest human being and what he's up against every day, simply trying to stay alive."
Biggest raccoon (Procyon lotor) first made headlines when Klitsch's pet collie, Shanelle, nursed the raccoon among her puppies and nurtured him as a dog. Klitsch got raccoon from a breeder when he was just a few weeks old.
Biggest Bandit would most likely not be a record-holder if he only ate dog chow.
Klitsch described him as "addicted to Pringles and Oreos." "He can open the refrigerator and the cabinet."
And with a house full of kids and pets, There's always someone for Bandit to take a snack from, with Klitsch's 18-year-old, three foster children, two collies, and a cat.
The new record will not necessarily be listed in the Guinness Book of Records, according to the letter Klitsch got from Guinness, but Klitsch has been told raccoons will be in the 2001 version of the book.
According to Louise Wilson, a Guinness representative in London, only approximately 4,000 of the roughly 30,000 records in the organization's database make it into the book.
"We update every year, so everyone has an opportunity to be in the actual book," she explained. "If we printed everyone, we'd have multiple volumes."
Wilson stated that biggest raccoons record isn't yet in the Guinness database and that she couldn't say whether it would be in the next book.
"If she received a letter from us, it's most likely in the process of getting entered into the database," Wilson explained.
Klitsch stated that she has been attempting to get her raccoon into the record book for two years and is overjoyed with the formal accreditation.
"You have no idea how many records I had to deliver," she remarked.
She agrees biggest raccoons weight is unhealthy and promises to put him on a diet.
"They stated he was really obese the last time we took him to the vet," Klitsch added. "We've tried several diets, but every time we turn around, he's in the cabinets."
She stated that because the raccoon (Procyon lotor) is very important to her, she will try limiting Bandit to diet cat food, as her vet advised.
"I wish he could live forever because he's my best friend," Klitsch said.
Bandit died in 2004, following a battle of illness, after an eventful and snack-filled existence.
how large can a raccoon get?
The record-breaking raccoon (Procyon lotor) weighed 50 lbs! Raccoons can be identified by their black face mask and bushy striped tail.The Raccoon (Procyon lotor), also called as the Common Raccoon, Northern Raccoon, Washing Bear, and Coon, is a native North American mammal that has become an invasive, non-native nuisance in Europe (after escaping from fur farms).
Because raccoons carry the majority of their weight as fat in their stomach, Raccoons typically weigh between 5 and 35 kilograms (10 and 35 pounds). Raccoons, on the other hand, can grow to be much larger in rare cases, making them one of the most diverse mammals in terms of maximum size. The largest reported raccoon weighed an incredible 28.4 kilos (62.6 pounds). Female raccoons, like other mammals, are typically smaller than males, with females in surveyed populations being 15 to 20% smaller on average.
Their natural habitat is woodland; nevertheless, they are exceedingly adaptable and are frequently seen near human habitations, particularly where food is available. Raccoons are very intelligent creatures that will go to considerable lengths to find food.
They have been observed entering trash cans and dumpsters, as well as picnic baskets and coolers. Many people think raccoons are cute and feed them cat or dog food.
Raccoons are wild creatures that can transmit diseases like rabies, roundworm, distemper, and parvovirus (all of which can be transmitted to pets).
Other animals in the house, such as pet cats and dogs, may make them feel frightened. A housecat and most pet dogs are no match for an adult raccoon. If a raccoon enjoys the food left in your yard, it's a safe bet that some of its pals, such as the skunk, will as well.
In California, it is unlawful to own a pet raccoon family; however, the Department of Fish and Wildlife may issue a restricted animal permit.
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